Moving Tips and Checklist
Over the years we’ve managed to pick up a few tricks of the trade. Whether we
are helping with your move or not, dig into our cache of moving tips.
They make moving easy — easy moves make people happy.

No Long Distance Fees
Tape boxes on top and
Clearly label all of
your boxes according to their content and handling
instructions (e.g.: “Fragile,” “Top Load Only”). You can
also categorize the boxes by room using
color-coordinated sticker dots.
Towels and linens make
excellent packing materials for fragile items.
Use closet space to
store packed boxes.
If you are moving into
storage, arrange your storage unit in advance. If you
have antiques, you may want to reserve a climate
controlled storage unit.
If you are renting a
truck, do it as early as possible. Don’t forget to rent
plenty of moving blankets! (About 2 blankets per item.)
Cloth items can be left
in drawers.
Bundle garden tools,
fishing poles and the like together.
When packing breakables
use a lot of newsprint, bubble wrap, and other packing
materials. There’s no such thing as being too cautious
when it comes to your fragile valuables.
Use linens or blankets
for wrapping mirrors, pictures and such.
Stage coolers on top of
the fridge/freezer for when they have to be emptied on
moving day.
Always move cash,
jewelry, and other precious items yourself.
Empty lateral file
Movers should not move
any flammable materials such as gas, propane, ammo, etc.
Pack a box of cleaning
supplies and keep it under the sink so it’s not
misplaced on moving day.
Be careful not to
schedule any important engagements on the evening or day
of the move.
In an apartment
situation, save space for the moving van by blocking a
parking spot with your car overnight.
Pack things you will
need right away (clothes, toiletries, phone, keys,
current bills, important papers, et cetera) and move
these yourself.

We Do Apartment Moves
Moving Checklist:
Whenever you are preparing a move:
Get rid of anything you
aren't bringing with you and haven’t used in long time
Find out where to
dispose of household chemicals like old paint
Make a list of
everything you're bringing to your new home
Find out the replacement
value of all belongings, for insurance purposes
Fill out a change of
address form. Notify friends, family and others of your
new address
Fill out an IRS change
of address form
Get copies of your
medical and dental records, if necessary
Get copies of veterinary
records, if necessary
Notify your kids'
schools and have their records transferred to their new
Return any cable
equipment and schedule disconnection dates
8 to 14 days before your move
Return library books or
any other borrowed items.
Collect all the items
you may have loaned out.
Make arrangements to
disconnect gas, electric and other utilities.
Make arrangements to
connect utilities at your new place.
Arrange to have major
appliances prepped for the move.
2 to 7 days before you move
Get rid of all
Figure out what you're
bringing with you in the car.
Arrange for removal of
"installed items" you're bringing with you, like a TV
antenna or shelves.
Pack a suitcase with the
clothes and toiletries you'll need the first day in your
new home.
Pack a special box with
other essentials you'll need for the first few days.
(Make sure to mark this box "Do Not Move").
The day before moving day
Take down curtains and
curtain rods.
Empty, defrost and clean
your refrigerator. Make sure it has at least 24 hours to
air dry.
Clean and air your stove
and other electrics
Plan your breakfast. Get
some paper plates. Eating something on the road is
Pack your personal
belongings except your alarm clock.
Go to sleep early you'll
be glad to be fresh on moving day.
Moving Day
Collect all keys to
locking items. Put them in a safe place.
Make sure you're at home
when the movers arrive.
Make sure everything is
ready for the move.
Make sure the driver has
the correct delivery address and phone numbers.
Confirm the earliest
possible delivery date with the foreman.
Before you leave, do a
final walk through of every room. Check all closets and
cabinets. Say good bye!
If you have any questions, please call us at 830-456-2571.
Thank You for the opportunity to serve you!